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Ebook: Leveraging Technology to Increase Student Achievement

Technology is a primary tool that schools can leverage for student achievement. Technology has changed teching and learning methods in ways we never knew were possible. From using MS Teams to delivering progress reports to providing authentic assessments for students, technology has both created and filled a need for today’s learners.

However, many teachers struggle to find a proper balance between integrating technology into the classroom and ensuring it’s used as a tool to increase student achievement.

This book provides information about key areas where technology can increase the learning abilities of students such as (a) Virtualization; (b) Bring Your Own Device (BYOD); (c) VoIP; and (d) eRate.

If you are serious about using technology in the classroom and increasing student achievement, this book will give you a foundation for doing just that. I hope it helps you to become a more effective educator!

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