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Top Reasons Why Companies Should Outsource Their IT

Outsourcing your IT is even more needed these uncertain times. The coronavirus pandemic is testing small businesses as never before, exposing any weaknesses in their technology setup. But with the right plans in place, business will have a better chance of pulling through.

We are dealing with an environment where this pandemic came around and made a lot of companies realize the importance of technology and doing technology right. They cannot afford to do it wrong.


Technology is the number one force changing the face of business. Constantly evolving and adaptive technology transforms the way companies’ function, perhaps nowhere more so than in the field of sales and marketing. Businesses that hope to compete are in a constant race to evolve and adopt these technologies before the technology becomes irrelevant, lest the business slips and ends up falling by the wayside.

There are few ways to ensure this positioning without viable IT technical support, which is one reason why any business leader should consider outsourcing IT services through Managed Services. Here are several others.

I would like to go over the top 5 reasons that companies should take a strong view on outsourcing non-core business functions like IT.

1. Reduce Your Costs

Training and maintaining a large in-house IT department is costly. The most basic tech support specialists in the United States earn an average of $46,420 annually. Systems Analysts, on the other hand, earn upwards of $80,000 every year, with Data Administrators and Network Administrators earning nearly the same. 

Hiring temporary IT tech employees often end in disappointment given the limited investment, both mentally and financially. Employing a company dedicated to providing IT support services, on the other hand, brings highly skilled workers at a fraction of the labor-related costs.

Installing IT infrastructure with networks, servers, security, storage, and a whole host of other components is extremely pricey. Outsourcing IT system support transforms it into fixed IT costs and gives you room to budget accordingly.

2. Provide Uninterrupted Flow of Service

As technology grows increasingly complex, hardware and software management has become notably more challenging. 

With a saturated industry, particularly in sales and marketing, businesses need to have innovative hardware and software solutions. They also need end-to-end networking and a continuous flow of functionality for the internet, intranet, and extranet. Professional IT network service providers can fully handle such technicalities.

When disaster management and recovery are tackled with competence, employees tend to be less anxious. The challenges evident when the internet goes down or a computer crashes are not only physical; they are highly emotional. Workers worry about lost productivity, threatened security, and disappearing information. With a skilled IT services provider, such worries subside because services are up and running smoothly.

3. Remain Focused on Core Business and Increase Competitiveness

Every manager likely feels there are not enough daily hours to tackle all the challenges. Having to divide attention between core business functions and IT-related concerns limits potential even more. Outsourcing allows employees to stay focused on what they are skilled at, trained for, and paid to do.

Companies that try to implement and maintain all the IT work themselves often have to dedicate substantially more to research, development, and implementation. This results in two problems for the company: higher costs and more time. The costs are likely passed on to the customers, which means that the business becomes less competitive regarding product prices. By taking longer to bring new products to the market, their competitiveness also suffers since other companies are moving faster.

Although large businesses often have the resources necessary to maintain cutting-edge technologies and services themselves, smaller businesses generally do not. This advantage plays out in numerous ways, such as in the level of productivity a company enjoys, its mobility and efficiency, and the means available to reach prospects.

4. Decrease Risk by Guaranteeing Compliance and Security

There is no way around it: every business investment carries a level of risk. An ever-evolving palette of government regulations, competitors, economic conditions, and technologies ensures this is the case. Companies that provide IT system support assume much of this risk. They harbor specific industry-related knowledge—most importantly those about security and compliance issues. With this knowledge, they can better ascertain and avoid inherent risks.

In the world of account data protection, there is no such as thing as being too safe. Take a look at these major data breaches in 2019:

  • Dubsmash. A number of records hacked: 161.5 million. …
  • Capital One. Number of records hacked: 100 million. …
  • Houzz. Number of records hacked: 48.9 million. …
  • Quest Diagnostics. Number of records hacked: 11.9 million.

5. Recover from a Disaster

When a cyber-attack, flood, earthquake, or other disaster hits, management must hit the ground running. They must tend to employee injuries, product loss, insurance claims, lost revenue, customer relations, and structural damage, among other tasks.

That said, a business’s data is its most important resource aside from people. Many companies are ill-equipped to handle such situations, any of which can cause a business to halt production immediately. Given that disaster can strike at any time, a delay in recovery can have dire consequences. As such, it’s important to have the human power and resources readily available to make quick repairs; something that’s made possible with the help of outside professionals who are familiar with disaster recovery and have backup technology at their disposal.

The pandemic has taught companies that if they relied on a highly experienced outsourced technology company, they would have been able to operate seamlessly just like our clients that were prepared.

By outsourcing IT support services, a company can free up its valuable resources and focus on what matters: making the wheels of the business turn. They can home in on marketing, product development, and improving customer relations. Although the road toward change can be daunting, hiring outside professionals allows companies to learn, grow, and evolve.

Our company Troinet specializes in technology and we know the value of outsourcing your IT and not having the cost and overhead of hiring in house. We have a team of engineers that have been creating custom solutions for our clients for over 15 years. You will have a broader skills and experience than you can never hire yourself. You do not deal with the additional employee overhead and you get your money’s worth because there are no vacations, sick days or breaks. Your dollar does not pay for any idle time. Let us guide you.

Our main goal is to increase your efficiency as you run your business, decrease your operating expenses when it comes to technology, and most importantly increases your revenue and make you more money. If we cannot do that, then they should not work with us. We offer a complimentary consultation with a consultant who will review your current technology plan. This consultation is extremely valuable.

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